Using Technology to Communicate Efficiently
The use of different communication platforms and communicating in multiple languages is not only
beneficial but also necessary for educational institutions, healthcare companies, government agencies
and business organizations. New advances in technology that are efficient, cost-effective and accurate
can help users get their messages heard and understood by their targeted audiences. As a technology
leader, PERRY proTECH can help you find the best communications solution.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 10% of public school students are English
Language Learners (ELL) and, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, 68 million people living in the United
States speak a language other than English at home. Based on these statistics, all organizations must
have access to a solution that breaks through language barriers. The Lexmark Translation Assistant is a
solution to navigating a multilingual landscape.
The Lexmark Translation Assistant gives organizations the flexibility to translate written materials with
ease. This real-time document translation software allows users to break communication barriers both
internally and externally in minutes with the ability to translate documents into 30 different languages.
Not specific to one industry, the Lexmark Translation Assistant’s versatility can be beneficial for a variety
of organizations, including:
- Education: Translate critical written communications like teacher letters, school schedules and
lunch menus within minutes. - Healthcare: Remove the intimidation of a doctor’s visit by quickly translating important notices,
prescriptions, informational sheets and more to help patients understand their medical needs. - Government: Keep constituents and employees informed at the state and local level by
translating informative or instructional documents for areas with more diverse communities. - Business: Print promotional materials in languages widely used by your target audience to reach
new markets and better serve customers.
whiteboards, interactive display software is designed to promote collaboration between speakers and
their audience. According to a study published by the National Library of Medicine, 65% of the U.S.
population are visual learners. By bringing visual elements to instruction, users can empower learning
and increase engagement. Whether it’s in a classroom, a doctor's office, or a conference room,
interactive displays can be utilized in a variety of settings, for instance:
- Education: Screenshot clips from a video or utilize an educational game to allow for student interaction.
- Healthcare: Display scans on the screen to highlight findings or explain procedures to patients in a visual way that is easier to digest.
- Business: Highlight key points during a presentation by showing live demonstrations or visual examples.
software available so that all organizations can work more cost-effectively and reach their key
audiences. The Lexmark Translation Assistant and the interactive displays are two innovative resources
that expand an organization’s reach and allow them to communicate in new ways.
Interested in learning more about how these products can enhance your organization’s
communications? Click here to learn more and contact us: